New England Division of the International Association for Identification 

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Membership in the NEDIAI, a chartered division of the world's largest and oldest forensic organization (IAI), carries many benefits. Among these is the receipt of a quarterly journal that contains articles and announcements of interest to those engaged in the fields of forensic science and crime scene investigation. Members are also entitled to discounted tuition fees for the annual educational conference and may be eligible to attend other training courses at a reduced or no cost. In addition, members are eligible for service on the Executive Board (depending on membership type) and on several standing committees. The NEDIAI currently has over 200 members. The organization comprises members from law enforcement agencies, forensic laboratories, consulting firms, academia, identification bureaus, and other entities engaged in pursuing excellence in the identification field.​

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Please be aware that payment does not guarantee membership.

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Note: There might be few weeks between payment and vote. In the very unlikely event of a rejected vote, we will refund your payment promptly. 

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NEDIAI is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization. Copyright © 2025 New England Division IAI all rights reserved. Contact us 

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